The #1 Paternity Testing Course In The World

Get a step by step walkthrough on starting and scaling your own DNA testing company.

You get the same blueprint…

that helped one of my students sell four DNA tests in 3 hours!

Why Get Private Coaching?

  • Learn in depth strategies

  • Work directly with Royal

  • Get sales faster

This is from a private coaching student!

What’s Included In The Private Coaching?

The Blueprint

  • Direct training and accountability from Royal

  • Paternity sales training that you will get nowhere else

  • Both eBooks included

  • 30+ hrs (and growing) of content

  • All supporting documents

  • All webinars and Q&As

  • Lifetime Access!


  • Bi-weekly group coaching and sales training

  • Private access Slack group

Student Success

Paternity University 1-on-1 Private Coaching


You can learn from eBooks, YouTube, and even the self-paced course.But you get so much more with private coaching!Learn directly from Royal on how to start and grow your paternity testing business.You will have learn how to set up your DNA agency and get sales faster.

What’s The Process Like?

Many people have never heard of the term, but in this course,you’ll learn exactly what our role is and how you can start and grow your own private DNA testing agency.You don’t need a license or a degree, and as long as you are:

  • A self starter

  • Ethical

  • Follow collection guidelines

  • And know how to speak to clients, you can be successful!

I Personally Walk You Through The Following:

  • What paternity testing is and the different types of DNA testing services you can offer

  • Being a collector vs. owning a private DNA agency

  • What labs conduct DNA testing

  • How to market your business and use the proper keywords for Google Ads

  • How to price your services

  • How to speak to clients

  • How to properly and legally collect DNA samples

  • How to outsource sample collection

  • How to scale and systemize your business

Who Am I?

My name is Royal and I specialize in DNA paternity testing.No matter what the economy is doing, people need paternity tests for legal reasons such as child support, child custody, birth certificates, social security benefits, and inheritances.People also want paternity tests for peace of mind reasons.This industry is going NOWHERE.And for the first time ever, I show you how to start your own paternity testing company.Lucky for you, this is the best course IN THE WORLD that shows you how to do this.


Frequently Asked Questions

Should I get the self paced course or the private coaching?
If you are a self starter who wants to learn the business of paternity testing on your own time, the self paced course is for you.
If you want to accelerate your sales and prefer to work directly with me, the direct coaching is better for you.Is this business easy?
Starting the business is easy part. Not giving up on this challenge.
Stuff happens. Leads you thought were a sure bet don’t go through with the test. Recollections happens sometimes. Phone calls may slow down, then pick back up. You literally have to stay consistent.
How do I get clients?
Most of your leads are gonna come in via phone call. If you can’t focus on customer service, communication, and empathy, do NOT start this business.
How do I know if it's right for me?
If you aren't patient or consistent, can't or won't answer the phone, don't understand software systems such as Google Business and Google Ads, and don't want to hire a VA, then don't even think about getting into this biz.

Paternity University Consultation

60 minute one time one-on-one coaching call


We go over:

  • What course works better for you

  • What business model works best for you

  • The different types of DNA testing

  • How to get started

  • What laboratories you would partner with

  • How much you can charge clients

  • Outsourcing paternity tests

DISCLAIMER: Taking this course is for informational purposes. If you take this course and intend to defraud clients afterwards, Paternity University and its affiliates are not held responsible for your actions.Royal Banks and Paternity University does not promise individuals that they will make money from paternity testing. Your success is solely dependent upon your ability to apply the information you learn.Refund policy: There are no refunds for purchases. All sales are final.